Self Care Techniques to Fight Off Depression
Depression is a silent killer. A lot people go through with life, dragging their heels every day, without getting diagnosed with major depressive disorder. It needs to stop though, because it is robbing us of happiness, love, and contentment. Here are some self care techniques to fight off depression and live a gratifying and more productive life.
Be happy.
I like to feel good all the time. Who doesn’t? Who wants to feel miserable and stay in that rut? Probably the narcissist because they instigate drama when things around them are peaceful. But not me. All I want is to be happy, healthy, and feeling good.

Of course, we know that nothing is perfect but the fight to live should not be experienced everyday. Here are some of the things you can do to fight off depression and keep it at bay.
Take care of Yourself to Fight Off Depression
When we are depressed, it is easy to let go. Many patients go into hermit mode, refuse to see people, take a bath, or eat. On the other hand, there are those who keep eating, like there’s no tomorrow, and put on weight. Then they get more depressed with the additional weight.We need to take care of ourselves in order to win this battle.
Eat chocolates.
A go-to fix of depressed individuals is sweets, after all, STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS. I think there is a subliminal message there. But the most common would be chocolate. While milk chocolates are tastier, they are also very sweet, which is not good if eaten too much. Instead, go for the dark chocolate. It has a higher chocolate content and less of the sugar.

Body massage.
Needless to say, a body massage feels good. Period. Whether you are depressed or not, massage can make you relax. And afterwards, you carry that good feeling around. Schedule a regular body massage, even if it’s only once a month. If you are thinking about the expense, think about it as part of your therapy to get better.
Pick up a hobby.
A hobby can be anything that you do on your spare time, but it would be nice to get into something more productive. Think about your talents and give some time into doing something about it. It could be photography, baking, cross-stitching, or gardening. Gardening is one really therapeutic hobby because being surrounded by growing greens give you oxygen as well as a relaxing atmosphere. Also, if you have space for outdoor gardening, sunlight exposure can be good in warding off the blues and cabin fever.
Get physical.
Exercise doesn’t just give us physical benefits. Even a simple work out gets the body to produce endorphins, dopamine and serotonin–also known as the the happy hormones. So get off that couch and drop those potato chips. Start moving and shaking your limbs to music, even just 15 minutes per day and it will get you pumping.
Eat healthy.
Part of taking care of ourselves is of course, to eat healthy. Ever wondered why a low-carb and low-sugar diet can make you cranky? That is because what we eat affects our moods.

Eating a balanced diet will go a long way in stabilizing our moods and maintaining mental health. Check out this post for a list of foods that fight off depression.
It’s a proven fact that the scents that we smell can affect our mood. But don’t just pick up any cheap scents at the mall, either for spraying or with candle diffusers. Those are made of synthetic chemicals and are more harmful. They can cause allergies, which will further trigger depression. It is best to invest in natural and organic aromatherapeutic essential oils. One good brand is Young Living Essential Oils. You can diffuse the oils or make roller blends that you can carry anywhere.
Talk to friends.
Talking to friends may or may not solve your problem. They may not have the solutions you are seeking. However, sharing your story helps you release your pent up emotions. Plus, friends can affirm your decisions and also tell you that being a victim is not your fault. Emotional support is very important in this journey. Just make sure that these are the friends that you can trust and won’t also blab about your problems to other people.
Get rid of toxic people.
It’s as simple as that–get rid of the toxic people in your life, including your so-called Facebook friends. There may be some people though that you cannot just simply ignore, so just try to stay away. On social media, it is easier because you can just simply block that person who is disturbing your peace with insensible posts. And remember, you can forgive a narcissist but may not necessarily need to reconcile with them.
Pray and meditate.
Praying may not be simply a religious thing. It is a fervent desire that enables the heart to speak its own language. Meanwhile, meditating is for the mind. It helps you focus your energies to eliminate the bad and center on the good.

See a doctor.
When everything seems too much, go ahead and seek professional help. A psychiatrist can do many things plus recommend treatment and write off a prescription. My psychiatrist confirmed my mother’s narcissism as well as told me truths about the disorder.
She also diagnosed me as having Major Depressive Disorder and recommended medication. But she gave me the choice — I may or may not take the antidepressants. However, she warned me about the risks of the continuous stress and pressure.
Take medication.
For many years, decades even, I have suffered from depression and didn’t know it. But now that I have taken the oral antidepressants that my psychiatrist prescribed, I am feeling so much better. So if you are having problems, don’t hesitate to go to the doctor. Sometimes, a simple medication is enough to make you feel better about yourself and get on with life. My only regret — I should have done this sooner.
Live Life
Let’s live and celebrate life. We have one shot at this and let’s make it count. It’s not all peachy days, I know. But together, we can all make it till the finish line, one day at a time.