Three Kinds of Narcissists | Mental Health
Narcissistic Personality Disorder has many people thinking too highly of themselves. But would you believe that not all narcissists are the same? Yes, there are three different kinds of narcissists.

The Three Kinds of Narcissists
Here are the three main kinds of narcissists. But most of the time, their characteristics overlap. Maybe, it’s really hard to tell if a narcissist can only be classified under one kind.
Nevertheless, the personality disorder is there. Whether narcissists can change is really up to the person.
Malignant or Toxic Narcissist
It seems that malignant narcissists do not suffer from feelings of inadequacy. But they are rather prone to negative states, especially of anger.

Characteristics of the malignant narcissist
- Lack of remorse
- Seething in anger, even over little things
- Exploits others without second thought
- Black and white way of thinking
- Exaggerated sense of self-importance
- Interpersonal power
- Control
Fragile Narcissist
This kind of narcissist uses grandiosity as a defense mechanism. It protects her from feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and even loneliness. This grandness may be seen in her home, fashion statement, education, among others.
Characteristics of a fragile narcissist
- Rage
- Feelings of inadequacy an insecurity
- Takes criticism personally
- Feels easily ashamed for being called out
- Do not easily trust others
- Importance
- Attention
- Privilege
Highly Functioning or Exhibitionistic Narcissist
These kind of narcissists are rather scheming and manipulative in their own way. They use their narcissistic traits to achieve their goals as well as boost their motivation.
Characteristics of a high functioning narcissist
- Outgoing
- A bubble of energy
- Articulate
- Exaggerated sense of self-importance
- Success
- Admiration
- Reassurance
These are three main kinds of narcissists. However, the characteristics enumerated here overlap in some individuals. One can be a combination of two or three.
Honestly, I can see some of the traits of these three in my own narcissistic mother. While she is a textbook malignant narcissist, she also exhibits some of the traits of the other kinds. So I guess, personality disorders do overlap.
Seeking a Psychiatrist
If you are exhibiting the traits of a narcissist, you may seek professional help. There are therapies for this disorder, especially if you’re already hurting the ones you love.

Some say that knowing which NPD type you are living with can help the relationship. But I say it can happen both ways. It depends upon the victim if he or she wants to stick it out.
For the Victim of Emotional Abuse
In the same way, if you’re a victim of a narcissist, there’s no shame in seeing professional help. My only regret is not doing this earlier in my life. Now, I am taking antidepressants while building defense mechanisms of my own.
Meanwhile, the psychiatrist told me to brace myself, as my mother may never change. I should just protect myself while I also find healing for my depression.