How Antidepressant Pills are Working for Me
Never in my life did I think that I needed medication for mental health. But now that I am taking antidepressant pills, I am happy that I did. I am sharing this for those who are unwilling to try though they might need it.

Prescription: Antidepressant Pills
Last time, I wrote about seeking the help of a psychiatrist for my mental health issues. I realized that my emotions caused by my narcissistic mother were too much for me to handle. Add to that the stress of peri-menopause and I was a wreck.
So I had been taking an antidepressant pill for two weeks now. It’s a prescription from my psychiatrist. Just one 10mg tablet sometime after dinner, as it will help me to sleep. Insomnia had been one of my problems before I went to her and was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD).
She prescribed me another sleeping pill, in case I still needed a sleep aid. Though I bought a couple, I haven’t taken it yet because the antidepressant is already good enough for me. I am not sure if it’s okay for me to mention the medicines here. For now, I will just tell you how it worked for me.
General Effects of Antidepressant Pills on Me
Below, you will find some of the things that changed in me after I have taken antidepressant pills. The effects are almost immediate! I took one pill in the evening and the following, I felt the changes.
At night, I now sleep well and at a regular time. I would tuck the kids to bed and then would slowly get to my own bed where I will drift to sleep. Sometimes, I would sleep straight till the morning — without bathroom breaks.
General Sense of Well-Being
Probably because of the good rest I have at night, I feel a general sense of well-being. I usually just take a nap in the afternoon, right after lunch. Honestly, I feel great!
Overall Calmness
For the last two weeks, I haven’t raised my voice on our two young children. Not a day goes by that I don’t lose my cool on them in the past — several times a day. They bicker a lot and it grates on my nerves.
And being a work at home mom, it means that we are together most of the day. Their noise and mess gets to me every day.
But now, I am as cool as a cucumber. And since, I am not spewing like a blow torch, the kids are calm as well. Amazing!
No More Panic Attacks
My parents came over several times these past two weeks. They have been pretty silent, which gave me peace. But lately, they were letting their presence felt.

In the past, a text message informing me that they are coming will trigger panic attacks. Now, it’s like a passing bit of news.
Feeling Good About Myself
Despite not being able to work much lately (honestly, I have been sleeping a lot), I feel good. I am no longer guilty of simple pleasures, like having a dinner date with my husband.
Despite finances falling short this month because of medical expenses, things are pretty breezy. No temper tantrums fro me. The pills have calmed my nerves.
No Rage
The loveliest and most pleasant effect to taking antidepressant pills is the disappearance of my anger. While the psychiatrist told me that there should also be a change of mindset and perspective, it seems that there’s just no need for me to be angry.
The kids are not irritating me. Even our annoying neighbors are not affecting me. It seems everything around me changed.

Or I have changed.
I smile more.
Unpleasant Side Effects of Antidepressant Pills
The doctor said that the antidepressant pills she gave me do not have adverse side effects. It was safe even for those who just had a heart attack or those undergoing chemotherapy. It also renal safe.
Too Relaxed
Honestly, I am too relaxed. It seems that from choleric-melancholic, I suddenly became phlegmatic. It’s not such a bad thing but sometimes, there are conditions when you need to be assertive. And I don’t have that drive anymore.

Lack of Motivation to Work
I still take care of the kids and do what’s needed around the house. However, I took a disinterest in a lot of things, including social media. I hardly post or even check Facebook and my messages. And I don’t have the motivation to write either.
It seems, I just bummed out.
Most of my time, I binge on read romance novels that I have on online apps. I hardly write anymore.
Or maybe I just needed to rest my mind. I am just starting to get back into the groove and I am trying to detail my journey for mental wellness in this blog.
Taking it One Day at a Time
For now, I am taking things one day at a time. I am no longer stressing myself with my self imposed deadlines. While I used to peg one blog post per day, I no longer pressure myself to produce that much.
I don’t know what will happen several months from now. The psychiatrist said I will experience the full effects after two months. But she wants me to take it for another four months. The medicines will help me as I try to change my perspective in life. It balances the chemicals in my brain so I can think more clearly and not be clouded by emotions. So, let’ see.
But reconciliation with my narcissistic mother? Maybe that’s something that may never happen.
It’s my season to rest now. And I am taking it.
I think anti-depressants have plenty of pros for someone who truly needs them, despite some of the side effects. I am glad they are working for you, and I hope that someone who truly needs them, but is apprehensive reads this and seeks the assistance they need.
I sure do, Katie. Now, I realized that there is no shame in seeking professional help and taking antidepressants when necessary. What’s more shameful would be the loss of lives and limb because nothing was done about the mental health.
I admit, I don’t know much about these! I am glad they are working for you. But yeah, I can see how the side effects aren’t always fun.
When you feel better, remember to just keep taking your antidepressants. This is the hardest thing to do for many people. The road you are traveling is often a bumpy one but you will get there. Just think of your meds as shock absorbers. They will make the ride so much smoother.
Thank you so much for the support Paula. I needed that. The psychiatrist says that we will observe after six months. She’s told me to train myself with my reactions. Hopefully, I will be able to. 🙂
I have used anti depressants for over four years. they’re part of life and how I control myself and I love them!
Hi Leah! Oh so taking antidepressants can be for long term? My psychiatrist has given me up to six months. But we will see. 🙂
All medicines, including antidepressants, however helpful they may be, always have their share of unpleasant side effects. All the best to you in your life.
I love the honesty in this post. Thank you for sharing to hopefully make the idea of taking anti-depressants less scary for someone who may need them.
I’m currently on anti-anxiety medication because I struggle with work anxiety. I’m also working on more natural ways to calm my anxiety as well.
That’s good. I hope that you will eventually be fine and won’t need anti anxiety medications anymore.
There are definitely pros and cons to taking antidepressants. I know how they have helped a lot of people.
I’ve never used anti-depressant pills but sometimes i feel like it would help me relax. I am so glad they’re working for you.
Thank you for sharing your experience! This is really valuable info about taking antidepressants.
Since you spoke honestly about your experience I will speak honestly about mine. I hated them. I tried a bunch of different kinds (under doctor supervision, of course) and found that they either didn’t do much at all or made me feel worse. I am of the belief that, after years and years of certain thought and life patterns we actually can alter our brain chemistry to require the help of some sort of medication (even if only briefly). I also believe that some people are just born with imbalances that will require medication.
That being said, I think doctors or over-prescribing anti-depressants without trying other avenues first and often without even discussing therapy, diet, meditation, etc. which can all also be helpful. I think a lot of people with what I call “situational depression” are given pills when they really just need to make some changes in their lives (this was the category I fell into) and that’s why the pills don’t work or actually CREATE chemical imbalances for some people. Even WHEN pills are needed I don’t think that doctors are educated enough in the different types of chemicals they work on (a lot of family doctors are prescribing these pills with no knowledge of psychology which I think is atrocious) and that more studies need to be done to help doctors identify WHICH chemicals are out of balance instead of trial and error where they mess with your chemical balances until they find the “right fit.”
I am very happy to hear that your pills are working for you, overall, and that you are also doing other forms of therapy and self-care to support yourself. I just wanted to put this bit out there for people to consider as well.
Thank you so much for your insights, Amy! Took me a long time to consider going to a psychiatrist and taking antidepressants. And I am thankful I did. Hopefully, I won’t need them anymore after 6 months.
Taking control of your depression is a huge battle. I am glad you are finding what works for you! Others would not feel good about taking antidepressants, but if they are helping you, why not?
That’s why I don’t believe in taking antidepressant pills. They do more bad than good.
Well, for me, the benefits of taking antidepressants outweigh the side effects. These are minor and I am already starting to fight them. 🙂
I have had times in my life when I have needed antidepressants. I believe that if used properly they can help a lot to level our emotions.
You are strong, always remember. And you can come out of this difficult stage soon. Keep taking your pills on time.
Thank you for the support Priya. I will. 🙂
I took antidepressant medication for a few months. Later I discovered my depression was actually caused by hypothyroidism.
Oh, I haven’t looked into the angle of hypothyroidism as the cause of depression. I am rather on the heavy side, too. Not obese, but heavy set.
I’m so glad you found the right prescription for your depression. For what I’ve read– you’re doing great. It’s nice to be relaxed!