Effects of Drinking Alcohol While Taking Antidepressants
It is widely known that drinking alcohol should be avoided while taking medication. So it is safe to say that drinking alcohol should also be avoided while taking antidepressants.

Drinking Alcohol While on Antidepressants
Since last year, I have been drinking. It’s either wine or beer, nothing really hard. I am not an alcoholic, but I have realized that I have taken a liking to alcohol. I love the heady and dizzy feeling I get after guzzling a glass of wine or a bottle of beer.
However, I have a problem. When I get drunk, I tend to stay awake for most of the night. While most people would hit the sack from drunkenness, I get insomnia.
My frequent drinking started about the time when I felt something was off with my mother. I cannot really say that I started drinking because of her, but maybe because the alcohol made me uninhibited and reduced my tension. Until the next day, of course.
But after seeing a psychiatrist for professional help, I was prescribed with antidepressants and confirmed my suspicions about my mother. The meds are supposed to calm me and prevent anxiety when my narcissistic mother is around. I knew that was the end of drinking alcohol for me. Did it stop me? To be honest, not really.

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Effects of Mixing Alcohol and Antidepressants
A friend of mine, who was also diagnosed with depression, told me not to drink while on medication. In her case, she experienced a “worsening” of her emotions when her medication and alcohol mix. If ever she planned on drinking with her friends, she would skip taking her medication that day.
Here are some of the most common side effects of drinking and antidepressants:
- Makes depression worse
- Increases side effects of some antidepressants, e.g. drowsiness and dizziness
- Messes up with physical coordination
- Can affect decision-making
- Toxic effects on kidney and liver
My Experience
I am not saying that you should follow me, as I know that I am not a good example. Within the last three weeks after meeting my doctor, I have drank alcohol at least three times already.
It’s not like I drank so much–it’s just still the usual glass or bottle. Also, I did not take them together with my medicine. I space them at least 2.5 hours apart from the first gulp, so I dunno if it helps.
Honestly, I have not experienced the above-mentioned side effects. If any at all, I had bouts of insomnia once again, just like when I had been drinking before. At least, I don’t do crazy stunts.

But then again, DO NOT follow what I did. I do not know what exactly happens inside my body, so I decided that alcohol and medication are not a good mix at all.
Better Health
Needless to say, I am trying to stop drinking. It’s not everyday, but there are days that I crave for it.
But it’s part of self love when we take care of ourselves and our health. So along with a good diet and vitamin supplements, I am aiming to eradicate alcohol as well.
At least for the time being that I am on medication. LOL